Testing Practices

Testing Practices


Summary of the testing practices used by RAPIDS projects.

Intended audience

Developers {: .label .label-green}

Project Leads {: .label .label-blue}

Operations {: .label .label-purple}


Overall goal, follow the open source ecosystem for infrastructure choices

GitHub Actions

See docs [here]({% link resources/github-actions.md %}).


  • All projects are hosted on GitHub for open source visibility


  • Industry standard for containerized software
  • Allows for isolating all builds

Code Style / Formatting

  • Run style checks and/or auto-formatters per commit to ensure code is uniformly formatted in a clean and consistent way before it is ever merged to the repository
    • Handles things like maximum line length, trailing whitespace, linebreak semantics, etc.

Follow open source ecosystem in use of code formatters

  • C++
    • Clang-Format (Planned)
  • Python
    • Flake8
    • Auto-formatting with Black (Planned)

Unit Testing

  • Runs per commit to ensure code is never pushed in a broken state
    • Reports back to github to give end user feedback of exactly what the issue(s) is
  • Matrix of tests across supported Operating System / CUDA / Python versions along with running through CUDA-memcheck (planned)
  • Tests that project builds successfully both with and without GPUs, and then ensures that the suite of unit tests run successfully with GPUs
    • Tests building of packages for conda and pip
  • Tests are designed as black box tests for both external user facing functions and internal functions
    • Tests are written to compare against Pandas / Numpy / Scikit-Learn / NetworkX / etc. to ensure the results are completely in line with expectations of end users

Follow open source ecosystem in use of testing frameworks


  • Many tests depend on the presence of specific datasets in order to properly verify code correctness. See [datasets]({% link maintainers/datasets.md %}) for more details.

Integration / Workflow Testing and Benchmarking

  • Runs nightly to ensure the different libraries integrate as expected similar to how other Python libraries integrate (i.e. cuDF with cuML vs Pandas with SKLearn)
  • In addition to checking the runs succeed without error and checking correctness, measures performance regressions in the workflows
  • Pipe output of Google Benchmark into ASV dashboards for easy consumption
  • Run with profiling and dump an nvprof / nsight profile per workflow for easy analysis by developers (planned)
  • Allows for naturally using example / workflow notebooks for integration / workflow / performance testing as well
  • Matrix of tests across supported Operating System / CUDA / Python versions

Follow open source ecosystem in use of testing frameworks

Packaging and Release

  • Follow open source ecosystem in packaging and delivery mechanisms:
    • Conda
    • Pip
    • Docker
  • Releases
    • Release every ~6 weeks with no known critical bugs
    • Allows users to have a stable release that won’t introduce performance regressions / bugs during the development process
    • Full set of unit / integration / workflow tests are performed before publish packages / containers
  • “Nightlies”
    • Allows cutting edge users to install the latest conda package to test new functionality coming in the next release
    • Conda packages are created for each project on a per merge basis
    • Docker containers are built nightly and have integration tests run and must pass before publishing containers

Examples of Testing in Action

  • DLPack support for cuDF
  • String support for cuDF
    • https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf/pull/1032
      • C++ implementation and Python bindings
      • Originally depended on an unreleased version of a different library so CI builds failed and prevented merging into the main repository until it was resolved
      • GTests and PyTest unit tests where results of each incrementally drove development across both C++ and Python
      • Heavily uses unit test parameterization to effectively test different function parameters for sufficient test coverage